Tam al'Thor
- An Empty Road:
Leads the cart with Bela to Emond's Field, dismisses Rand's sighting of the rider as imagination, and interacts with village leaders about festival preparations.
- The Gleeman:
Attends Council meeting, explains village politics to Rand, reveals others have seen the black rider, and decides to return home early.
- Winternight:
Gets wounded during a Trolloc attack, reveals ownership of a sword with herons on it, attempts to protect Rand by drawing Trollocs away, and becomes feverish from his wounds.
- The Westwood:
Suffers from a fever due to a Trolloc wound, deliriously speaks about past battles, the Tree of Life, and finding a baby in the snow, revealing potentially significant information about Rand's origin.
- Out of the Woods:
Lies unconscious and feverish from his Trolloc wound throughout the chapter.
- A Place of Safety:
Lies unconscious in bed while being healed by Moiraine from a Trolloc-inflicted wound.