Lan, Elyas Machera
- Strangers:
Moiraine's stern warrior companion who follows her with wolf-like movements and gives the boys an assessing look.
- The Gleeman:
Accompanies Moiraine, described as having a fierce black stallion in the stable.
- Out of the Woods:
Assists Moiraine with examining Trolloc bodies, identifies their tribal markings, and shows protective concern for Moiraine's wellbeing.
- A Place of Safety:
Discusses Myrddraal and Trollocs with Rand, expresses distrust of Thom, and supports Moiraine's assertions about the danger.
- Tellings of the Wheel:
Urges Rand and Mat to hurry due to potential trouble, leads them through the inn wearing scale armor, and maintains vigilance throughout.
- Leavetaking:
Leads the group's escape through the village, checks for patrols, and provides tactical guidance about wolves and Trollocs.
- The Road to Taren Ferry:
Leads the group's flight, maintains tactical awareness, and coordinates their approach to Taren Ferry.
- Across the Taren:
Leads the group to a hidden shelter, handles payment and interaction with the ferryman, and manages their escape after destroying the ferry.
- Choices:
Leads the group to a hidden shelter, handles payment and interaction with the ferryman, and manages their escape after destroying the ferry.
- The Stag and Lion:
Is mentioned as sleeping in the same room as Rand and Thom.
- The Wisdom:
Guards the door during Moiraine and Nynaeve's conversation, maintains security, and briefly interacts with Nynaeve.
- Watchers and Hunters:
Guards the group during festivities, arrives in time to save Rand from the Fade, and leads their escape from Baerlon.
- The Caemlyn Road:
Scouts for pursuers, reports on Trolloc movements, suggests seeking shelter in the mysterious city, and demonstrates deep concern for Moiraine's weakened state.
- Shadow’s Waiting:
Leads the group to shelter, delivers news about pursuing Trollocs and Myrddraal, and expresses concern about what could force Myrddraal into the city.
- Dust on the Wind:
Leads the group to shelter, delivers news about pursuing Trollocs and Myrddraal, and expresses concern about what could force Myrddraal into the city.
- Listen to the Wind:
Returns from scouting to report the Trollocs have vanished, discusses military implications with Moiraine, and helps detect Nynaeve's presence.
- Wolfbrother:
Reveals himself as a man who can talk to wolves, offers shelter to the group, and demonstrates his connection with the wolf pack while explaining their nature.
- The Traveling People:
Leads the group while demonstrating his connection with wolves, reveals the presence of Tuatha'an nearby, and shares meals and conversation with Raen's people despite apparent reluctance.
- Shelter From the Storm:
Demonstrates surprising patience with the Tuatha'an despite obvious discomfort, claims 'something' tells him to wait, and maintains a mysterious demeanor about their extended stay.
- Footprints in Air:
Scouts ahead of the group, maintains vigilant watch, and engages in private tactical discussions with Moiraine.
- Eyes Without Pity:
Leads group with cautious tactics across flatlands, demonstrates expertise in hiding their trail, and maintains mysterious vigilance while sensing unknown dangers approaching.
- Children of Shadow:
Mentioned as stalking through the night with his knife during the battle with Whitecloaks.
- The Long Chase:
Retrieves Nynaeve to help with the horses, scouts the Whitecloak camp, and develops a rescue plan involving the picket lines.
- Rescue:
Plans and executes rescue operation, demonstrates exceptional combat skills against Whitecloak guards, and maintains tactical awareness throughout mission.
- Old Friends and New Threats:
Moves with supernatural speed to stop Mat's attack on Moiraine, maintains his grip on Mat's dagger throughout the confrontation, and provides tactical information about Trollocs surrounding Caemlyn.
- Remembrance of Dreams:
Checks for threats outside, returns with warnings, and maintains vigilant watch throughout the meeting.
- The Dark Along the Ways:
Takes lead position with Moiraine, maintains vigilance throughout journey, and provides tactical support during their entry into the Ways.
- What Follows in Shadow:
Takes lead position with Moiraine, maintains vigilance throughout journey, and provides tactical support during their entry into the Ways.
- Fal Dara:
Takes lead position with Moiraine, maintains vigilance throughout journey, and provides tactical support during their entry into the Ways.
- More Tales of the Wheel:
Returns with news of Trollocs in city, discusses tactical implications with Agelmar, and maintains vigilant watch throughout meeting.
- The Blight:
Leads the group's journey, maintains vigilance throughout, and has an intimate conversation with Nynaeve about their potential future together.
- The Dark One Stirs:
Wears a hardened expression after his conversation with Nynaeve, leads the group through the Blight with tactical precision, and engages in combat with dangerous creatures.
- Meetings at the Eye:
Attempts to defend the group from Aginor, gets thrown against the stone arch by the Forsaken's power.
- There Is Neither Beginning Nor End:
Shows acceptance of Rand's true nature, maintains his usual gruff demeanor, and helps examine the artifacts from the Eye.
- The Wheel Turns:
Attempts to stop Loial's singing but acquiesces to Moiraine's wishes, then discusses military implications with Lord Agelmar.