Chapter 19 - Shadow’s Waiting


In the ruined city of Shadar Logoth, Rand, Mat, and Perrin explore grand buildings and ancient palaces until they encounter a mysterious man named Mordeth, who offers to share treasure with them in exchange for help moving it. After following him to a treasure chamber beneath the city, they discover he has no shadow, and he reveals himself as an ancient evil, transforming into a monstrous shape before disappearing into the walls with a deadly threat. Fleeing through the darkening streets while pursued by countless unseen watchers, the boys make it back to their companions, where Moiraine reveals the true history of Aridhol, now called Shadar Logoth, and the evil that consumed it. Just as they settle in for the night under the protection of Moiraine’s wards, Lan returns with news that Trollocs have entered the city and will reach them within the hour, forcing the group to plan a dangerous nighttime escape to the river Arinelle, where they hope to cross and find safety from their pursuers.


  1. Rand al'Thor - Marvels at the ruins of Shadar Logoth, helps care for horses in an abandoned building, and expresses unease about the mysterious city's atmosphere.
  2. Mat Cauthon, Matrim - Questions the safety of their location, participates in exploring the ruins with his friends, and inadvertently endangers the group by accepting Mordeth's offer.
  3. Perrin Aybara - Helps with practical matters like horse care, expresses skepticism about treasure, and participates in the ill-fated exploration of the city.
  4. Lady Moiraine, Mistress Alys, Moiraine Sedai - Sets protective wards around their shelter, reveals the dark history of Shadar Logoth/Aridhol, and reluctantly agrees to seek refuge in the ruins when pressed by circumstances.
  5. Lan, Elyas Machera - Leads the group to shelter, delivers news about pursuing Trollocs and Myrddraal, and expresses concern about what could force Myrddraal into the city.
  6. Thom Merrilin, Master Merrilin - Helps with the horses, questions the safety of their shelter, and maintains vigilance throughout their stay.
  7. Nynaeve al'Meara - Attempts to treat Moiraine with herbs and argues about her abilities to help despite their antagonistic relationship.
  8. Egwene - Assists Nynaeve with caring for Moiraine and questions aspects of their situation.
  9. Mordeth - Appears as a supposedly friendly treasure hunter, attempts to lure the young men into helping him, reveals his true monstrous nature when Tar Valon is mentioned, and vanishes through a crack after threatening them.


  1. The group encounters the mysterious Mordeth in Shadar Logoth, who attempts to lure them with treasure and nearly kills them when he discovers they're associated with Tar Valon.
  2. Moiraine reveals that Shadar Logoth was once Aridhol, a great city that fell to internal darkness and evil during the Trolloc Wars, creating a malevolent force called Mashadar and trapping Mordeth there.
  3. Lan discovers over a hundred Trollocs led by Myrddraal have entered the city, forcing the group to abandon their shelter and make for the river, where they can potentially cross to safety since Trollocs and Myrddraal fear deep water.
  4. The fact that something powerful enough to force Myrddraal into Shadar Logoth exists is noted as particularly concerning.
  5. Moiraine plans to use the One Power to protect them at the river while they either build rafts or find a trading boat to escape.